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Cal Clifford is the founder of “Restored Kings”, a Men’s Coach, and host of the “Kings Relay” podcast.

As a son, brother, husband and father of 2, he understands the challenges men face navigating these relationships, whilst not losing sight of who they are or who they want to be. Restored Kings was established to help men reignite their potential and purpose. 

Cal has called Brisbane home since the early 2000’s, enjoying various roles in hospitality, banking and finance, and health and community services. His passion for people’s wellbeing and fulfilment has always been at the centre of everything he does.

From residential Youth Work in Western Sydney and Southeast Queensland to a Wellness Coach role at an exclusive health and wellness centre, Cal has seen the pain and fear people experience regardless of social standing or economic background. 

On the other side of the socioeconomic and chronological spectrum, Cal’s conversations with men would regularly discuss themes of shame, guilt, and fear. Stories of men seeking validation well into adulthood, deep desires to conquer life on their own terms and to be “self-made”. Often men spoke about the difficulties in expressing their emotions without feeling humiliated, or judged and ashamed. 

Through this experience, Restored Kings was birthed to raise awareness and literacy of men’s mental and emotional wellness, strengthen men’s relational connection to self, family, and community, and feel empowered to take control of their lives. 

About Cal Clifford Restored Kings


The internet and social media are full of coaches, gurus and people telling you how they’re going to help you with quick fixes. You didn’t arrive at this point overnight, and the better life you dream of, won’t happen overnight. 

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